From Forgotten Chicago, a walking tour of Hyde Park's legacy of modernist architecture - everything from the Keck & Keck house on University to the I.M. Pei boxes and, uh, Regenstein Library. It all deserves our respect. Thanks to HPP reader I. for passing this along.
Go beyond the gargoyles: From Bertrand Goldberg to Edward Dart, Edward Durell Stoneto Edward Larabee Barnes, and Helmut Jahn to Mies van der Rohe, the patrons and builders of Hyde Park have enthusiasticallyembraced (briefly, in some cases) everything from the International Style toNew Formalism, Brutalism and the current preference for sustainable design.
There are few places in the United States with a moreencyclopedic and concentratedoverview of the last 75 years of modernist architecture than Chicago’s HydePark neighborhood. From George Fred and William Keck’s minimal 1937 cooperativeapartments (below left) to Tod Williams and Billie Tsien’s towering new LoganCenter for the Arts (below right, formally opening in October 2012), Hyde Parkoffers a comprehensive collection of 75 years of modernist masterpieces (and afew misfires). Additionally, Hyde Park offers a living example of the benefitsand perils of large-scale land clearance and urban renewal.

Join Forgotten Chicago as we explore Hyde Park for the firsttime with a walking tour on Sunday,August 19. Venturing far beyond the cliche (Collegiate Gothic and gargoyles),the beloved (a low-slung Prairie School house), and the familiar (a long-gonefair and tales of those swept up in its dark side), our exploration of HydePark will show an incredible array of lesser-known and often remarkableprojects from the past nine decades.
When? Sunday,August 19, 2012 at 12:50 PM. Rain or shine (severe weather will cancel tour).Where? The tourwill start in front of Powell’s Books at 1501 East 57th Street; Powell’s is ashort block west of the Metra Electric District 57th Street station. How Long?A little more than three hours and three miles of walking. The tour willconclude at 4:05 PM at the corner of 55th Street and Hyde Park Avenue, near theMetra 55th Street Station to allow participants to take the inbound 4:10 PMMetra train from Hyde Park, which arrives at Millennium Station at 4:26 PM. The55 Garfield bus can also take those on the tour back to the Green and RedLines.
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